When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given. This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force. Note: VerticalClimb power is always computed using Total weight.
When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given. This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force. Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Purely mechanical work sexpent for this activityded (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR). For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Pure mechanical work expended (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR). For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Location will never be turned on nor used during activity, so map will not be available. Data will be acquired exclusively from other sensors where available (Power, Speed, Cadence, Heart rate, Steps, Environment).
Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction.
Power exerted during activity, due to drag forces, altitude change, etc. Negative means power gain, e.g. when going downhill or braking. When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency and BMR into account.
Power exerted during activity, due to drag forces, altitude change, etc. Negative means power gain, e.g. when braking. When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency and BMR into account.
Power loss or gain while ascending or descending. Negative means power gain (descending). When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency into account.