Key English Icelandic
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Vasastilling
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_summary Use proximity sensor to keep the flashlight off while not needed Notaðu nálægðarskynjara til að halda vasaljósinu slökkt á meðan þess er ekki þörf
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_title Mode Mode
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_summary @null
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_dialogTitle Flashlight flickering Vasaljós flöktandi
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_title Button toggle Hnappur
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_summary Toggle flickering mode with a button click while the flashlight is turned on Skiptu um flöktandi stillingu með því að smella á hnappinn á meðan kveikt er á vasaljósinu
pref_haptic_feedback_title Vibrate on touch Titra við snertingu
pref_haptic_feedback_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title Vibration intensity Titringsstyrkur
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_summary @null
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_title All sounds Öll hljóð
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechMasterSwitch_title Enable Virkja
pref_speechMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechProfileName_title Profile name Nafn prófíls
pref_speechProfileName_summary (All profiles) Speak profile name on profile switch (Öll snið) Segðu nafn sniðs á sniðrofa
pref_speechTrackingStatus_title Tracking Rekja
pref_speechTrackingStatus_summary Speak when tracking starts, stops, and pauses Talaðu þegar mælingar hefjast, stöðvast og gerir hlé
pref_speechAutoPause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé