
Key English Croatian
dialog_track_save_text Distance %1$.3f %2$s
Duration %3$s

The track seems very short. Save this track?
Udaljenost %1$.3f %2$s
Trajanje %3$s

Staza se čini kratkom. Pohraniti?
dialog_exit_title @string/app_name
dialog_exit_msg Warning: Tracking is active, and will be stopped. Upozorenje: Praćenje je aktivno, i biti će zaustavljeno.
dialogProfileDeleteTitle Delete profile Brisanje profila
dialogProfileDeleteMessage Warning: This will remove profile settings and totals data. Saved tracks will be left intact.

Delete profile %1$s?
Upozorenje: Ovo će ukloniti postavke profila i iznose ukupnih suma. Pohranjene staze ostaju nedirnute.

Obrisati profil %1$s?
dialogProfileAddTitle New profile Novi profil
dialogProfileAddInfo New profile will have its settings copied from the currently active profile Postavke novog profila biti će preuzete od trenutno aktivnog profila
dialogProfileEditTitle Edit profile Izmjena profila
dialogProfileEditTotals Totals: Ukupne sume:
dialogProfileTotalsResetMessage Reset profile totals to zero? Resetirati ukupne sume profila na nulu?
dialogProfileSwitchTitle Switch profile Prebaci profil
dialogProfileSwitchMessage Tracking is active. Are you sure to switch to profile %1$s? Praćenje je aktivno. Jeste li sigurni da želite prebaciti na profil %1$s?
dialogTracksDeleteTitle Delete tracks Briši staze
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.
Upozorenje: Ovu radnju nije moguće poništiti. Izbrisati odabrane staze?

Za potvrdu brisanja unesite sljedeći kod za nastavak.
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?
Upozorenje: Ova akcija ne može se poništiti.

Obrisati stazu %1$s?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track Nastavi stazu
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. Praćenje je aktivno. Prvo isključite ili pauzirajte praćenje.
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. Ciljni profil %1$s nije prazan. Molimo prvo resetirajte.
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? Aktivni profil će biti prebačen s %1$s na %2$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? Profil %1$s kojim je kreirana ova staza više ne postoji. Nastaviti u trenutnom profilu %2$s?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? Staza će biti nastavljena u profilu %1$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molim pokušajte ponovo.
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… Nastavljam, molim pričekajte…
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks Dijeli staze
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.
dialogTracksShareCountExceeded Cannot share more than 100 tracks at once. Nije moguće dijeliti više od 100 staza odjednom.
dialogGpsSettingsPromptTitle Location is turned off Lokacija je isključena
dialogGpsSettingsPromptMessage You won't be able to use most of the features of this app without Location.

Please make sure the Location is enabled and set to 'High accuracy' mode.

Open Location Settings now?
Bez lokacije nećete moći koristiti većinu značajki ove aplikacije.

Provjerite da je lokacija omogućena i postavljena u način 'Visoka točnost'.

Želite li otvoriti sistemske Postavke lokacije sada?
dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem Problem s barometarskom visinom
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!
Barometarska visina je prisilno isključena zbog neslaganja s GPS visinom!

Molimo ne koristite je u zatvorenim ili klimatiziranim prostorima!
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeTitle Notice Obavijest
Key English Croatian
dialogStoragePermissionRequestTitle Storage permission Dozvola za pohranu
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeMessage Thermo Barometer depends on outdoor air temperature for accuracy.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.
Točnost termo barometra ovisi o temperaturi vanjskog zraka.

Molimo ne koristite u zatvorenim ili klimatiziranim prostorima poput nekih vozila ili aviona.
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeTitle Notice Obavijest
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?
Upozorenje: Ova akcija ne može se poništiti.

Obrisati stazu %1$s?
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Bilješke
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Naslov
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume? Nastaviti?
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start? Start?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop? Stop?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molim pokušajte ponovo.
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? Staza će biti nastavljena u profilu %1$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. Praćenje je aktivno. Prvo isključite ili pauzirajte praćenje.
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? Profil %1$s kojim je kreirana ova staza više ne postoji. Nastaviti u trenutnom profilu %2$s?
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. Ciljni profil %1$s nije prazan. Molimo prvo resetirajte.
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? Aktivni profil će biti prebačen s %1$s na %2$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track Nastavi stazu
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… Nastavljam, molim pričekajte…
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.
Upozorenje: Ovu radnju nije moguće poništiti. Izbrisati odabrane staze?

Za potvrdu brisanja unesite sljedeći kod za nastavak.
dialogTracksDeleteTitle Delete tracks Briši staze
dialogTracksShareChoices_0 ZIPs (complete) ZIPovi (kompletno)
dialogTracksShareChoices_1 GPX only GPX jedino
dialogTracksShareCountExceeded Cannot share more than 100 tracks at once. Nije moguće dijeliti više od 100 staza odjednom.
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks Dijeli staze
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type Vrsta aktivnosti
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… Iznesite svoje misli…
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service Online servis
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… Priprema podataka…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… Šaljem…
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again Podijeli opet


No matching activity found.

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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 287